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When cycling as a female solo cyclist I am continuously questioned. It is often insinuated and often expressed that I should not cycle on my own, that I am not safe. It makes me feel unsafe and unsure when people continue to claim that I am. Most of them are only concerned about my wellbeing, but too many well-meaning warnings may limit me and other women to confinement. If I want to cycle between country borders I also have to cross gender borders. I need to show to myself, as well as my surroundings, that I should have the same access to the roads that the male cyclists take for granted. Fortunately there are also many who have been supportive. Two of them have come down from Sweden to ride with me for a while. They have encouraged me from the start and now they are bringing down even more energy and empowerment to me as I am approaching the finish line

We ride through Argentinian and Chilean parts of Patagonia together. I do not feel as questioned when I am cycling with two other women but still some people ask if we are cycling alone, even if we are three people. As if company only counts if it is male.  As if women do not matter as much, even if the friends beside me have more endurance and abilities then most men I have met on the road. There are however many examples here where women are both respected and represented. Both countries either have or have had a female president, but many traditional gender ideas remain. A cycling woman is not expected to fix her own puncture and a cycling man is not expected to fix his own dinner.

We meet several other female cyclists, but none that travels without a man. I feel strong within my cycling crew and am enjoying the solidarity and sisterhood. We have a wonderful time together on the roads of Patagonia. The landscape is incredible, with mountains, lakes and forests. Condors are flying in the sky and dolphins are playing in the water. Carretera Austral has been called the most beautiful road in the world and it looks even more beautiful with my friends on it. In their company it is easy to reclaim the road and to feel as if it belongs to us all, to both men and women. When my friends eventually leave to return to Sweden they also leave a lot of strength and self-esteem with me, so that I can continue to cycle on my own.




  1. Aurora Monday, January 30, 2012, at 3:59 AM

    Fantastiskt fint!

  2. Hanna Monday, January 30, 2012, at 8:36 AM

    Fantastiskt mycket tack Aurora.

  3. Anna s.w Monday, January 30, 2012, at 5:53 PM

    Jösses, så snyggt skrivet! Heja dig och heja alla människor!

    Försöker sätta mig in i känslan av att “snart” vara framme vid ditt uppsatta mål efter så “lång” tid… hm svårt-har inget att jämföra med men huj så fantastiskt!

    Du inspirerar mig ändå hit till min vardag! Kram fina du!

  4. Anna s.w Monday, January 30, 2012, at 5:56 PM

    den senaste bildserien tog priset! Eller det är ju ingen tävling =) men den tog andan ur mig! Kram <3

  5. hanna Thursday, February 2, 2012, at 3:34 PM

    Tack fina Anna, heja dig.

    Jag är rätt omtumlad av alla komma-hem-känslor och sluta-cykla-känslor, men jag har ännu många veckor att reda ut allt och bli redo för allt. När jag ser dina snälla ord är jag så glad att jag snart kommer kunna höra dem live i stället för att läsa dem i efterhand. Det längtar jag efter.

    P3 Planet gjorde nyligen en intervju med mig om att just komma hem, som sändes den 28 januari och går att lyssna på i sändningsarkivet.

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